Add Entry Throttling to a Competition

Control how many times or how frequently a user can enter a competition.


What is it?

Entry Throttling is a method for users to enter a competition every X amount of hours or days. This feature can be set up to be relative to the user's last entry or from the time the card is published. It is available on any card you can add a data capture form.

You may want to use this feature to allow users to register for a competition on a particular card multiple times throughout your campaign. It is also helpful if you wanted to provide the opportunity for users to receive a coupon every X period of time, continually driving traffic to your business.

We recommend using entry throttling when you want to limit and prevent coupon exhaustion. 

How do I set it up?

Step 1: Add a data capture

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  • Clicking on the card will open the editing module. 
  • (1) Click here to add a Data capture

Step 2: Configure your settings

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  • (1) Navigate to the "Number of entries per user" section.
    • "Throttled using a rolling window" sets the next time a user can enter the competition relative to their last submission.
    • "Throttled from publish time" set the next time a user can enter relative to the time the card was published.
  • Once you have adjusted these settings click "Publish".


One last note: 

At Komo, we pride ourselves on not only the results our clients achieve with us but the service they receive whilst bringing their Hub's to life. 

If you ever have any questions about an upcoming activation, how you can best utilise Komo to get the best possible outcome, or just a general query, please don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Specialist or email us at!


We also love your feedback, so please let us know if this article helped you by selecting from the options below. 


Louis Docherty 

Head of Customer Success and Product Experience.